AI for Good - Oil Pollution

The need for precise and fast ocean and sea situational awareness services are stronger than ever. With more and more activity in the extremely vulnerable northern parts of the world, the monitoring activity must increase. Therefore AI VISIONS have focused on technology that will make the monitoring faster and more detailed. The speed of today’s neural networks will clearly make the situational awareness of such vulnerable areas more available, efficient and accurate.

The different reflection grade of oil and water can be used as a signature identificator in the 380-530 nm wavelength spectre. The Copernicus satellites (SENTINEL-2A/2B) should be able to provide usable images and therefore also be the main source of data to detect oil spills.

#AIforGood #Computervision #Machinelearning #AI #AIVISIONS #neuralnetworks #Oil #Copernicus #Satelliteimages #Deeplearning #Sentinel #Pollution